21-Sept-2017 This small update changes what is posted to Buffer, DLVR.it, and LinkedIn. There should be no need to update posting scripts or workflows as a result of this change. Here’s why.
Previous to this update, a piece of back-end code was prepending the item title in ResultFlow to the item content to create the resulting post to these three venues. This make (some) sense where there is no URL included in the content, but where the content does contain a URL, the target (social) platform almost always uses the included URL to grab Open Graph data to supply an image and title for the post.
In the general usage model for ResultFlow, this results in a title at the top of the post the precisely matches the title used as a caption under the image that gets added to the post. All this Open Graph behavior is outside our control, but removing the explicit title inclusion is something we can do. Hence this change.
What does this mean for your workflows?
Probably nothing. The exception is if you are posting using any of these updated Venues and are NOT including a URL in your post. Then, you might want to add the title of the item to the content of our post. None of our current or planned references Personas (V9, V10, and the upcoming V11) will require ANY change as a result of this update. This update just makes the resulting posts slightly better.
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